The Opportunity
On top of organizing 282 staff for the elections, I also got the opportunity to flex my design skills since there was no budget to allocate other design staff's time to the elections. This was an amazing opportunity to craft both print and digital advertisements that would help guide over 100K residents.
Starting Off Fresh
A New Design System
When I first started in my job, I created a quick and simple design system that I could follow make sure all of the materials I created (forms, instruction manuals etc) would have the same branding and a consistent format.

Sharing the Where and When
Voting Location Postcard
One of my first designs tasks was a double-sided postcard that was mailed to every registered electors in order to inform them which of the 25 voting locations they should attend to vote. One crucial park of the design was to revamp the 25 voting place maps for the "Your Voting Place" in order to fit them in the structure of the new postcard.
After doing a little research into printing methods, size and copy to include on the postcard I was able to come up with a design that ended up saving over $23,000 in postage costs because of the new size and the arrangement of text emphasizing the importance of voting.

Getting Into The Details
Voting Information Brochure
My next design task involved a 24” x 12” four page brochure that was also mailed out to all 72,000+ registered electors. The brochure contained a significant amount of information including maps, voting regulations and the listing of all election candidates.